2024, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, the no-scape, Working Class Literature

on another day after another spring storm

Last night my wife woke me dreaming the neighborhood was on fire.
As usual, I was sleeping through every real and imagined apocalypse,
half-listening to the rain on the window. My ears
still listen for leaks, even asleep and dreaming
of the western mountains I know hold my death.

We slept in today because we could:
this unofficial start of summer.

In the afternoon she planted the garden
while I examined damages trees, tried pruning back
the honeysuckle reaching over the backporch
and onto roof. (It squeaks in the wind,
this house whines and weeps too much already. )

Early in the evening I daydream of brown water.

There is fire waiting for me. These bones are glowing embers
waiting for air to breathe like someone holding their breath
beneath an indeterminate flood.


One thought on “on another day after another spring storm

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