2024, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, the no-scape, Working Class Literature

Fire Rhapsody

Listening to the boiler quiets the whispers
between my ears.

There are days upon days
I am tired of my echo

this hollow cavern, this body this skull
I am lost spelunking myself

this fire the only proof of the proximity of water.

Do you like the self you see
when you wake the oogie woogie?

Give us then the bones: the teeth marks
have their own story to tell.

His heart is a hollowed out tree
downed in a heavy storm.

The sky is full of lurking cities dressed as clouds.

The wake they leave make for choppy water.

Wait. And wait. And

Whispers. They are indignant tourists and terrible spelunkers.

Georgi, call out the oogie woogie. It is time for a dark mood referendum.

We are tired of the echo.

2023, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, river life, Working Class Literature

in search of a true patron saint for western river boiler men

that poet was right about water everywhere.
the only security is a solid hose made
from the thickest rubber not on tires of a 1957 Ford Fairlane:
this we hold sacred, as is the practice.

any intercessions are called forth with a novena of mud and grease,
and must be offered to one with a thick skin,
a proper sense of humor, and a hotline
straight to whoever is minding the upstairs
during these cruel, raptureless days.
