2024, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, the no-scape, Working Class Literature

The storied water in dead eyes, 10

She comes for the stories, for a borrowed rememberance she cannot name. The water calls the dragonfly girl, teases and repulses; a memory of swimming long before sprouting legs.

Would you know the difference between swimming and flying if there was no life outside water?

2024, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, the no-scape, Working Class Literature

one more self-actualization test run

this; a composite collection
sub-atomized particulates
coffee grounds, tobacco ash
diesel, grease
a transubstantiation of water
go / breathe
go / breathe
go / [ ]

2023, Autumn, Ohio River Valley Literature, poetry, psychogeography, river life, the no-scape, Working Class Literature

Autumn 2023, no. 22

all fires are meditative, even forest fires
watching the burners I remember the year
the mountain burned, an Easten Kentucky town
flooded and the world did not end then, either
it’s all water now and fire:
the elements have finally taken me
governed by thermodynamics and pressure
I watch the wind and river traffic
in my dreams I feel the rocking of waves
the whole of this land ship not yet asunder
